It took a fairly long time to get started building this site as we are all remote developers and all our business so far has come via recommendations from previous clients.

We’re a Rails shop, but this site didn’t need all those bells and whistles. Will the content need to be dynamic? Will it change frequently? Not really.

So the challenge became how to build the simplest, yet maintainable static site to present who we are and what we can do to help clients. It needed to be hosted cheaply and have minimal lag time. As long-time github users we had tried jekyll before and its simplicity was appealing. In a nutshell, it’s a text transformation tool that generates static html. End of story.

Now where to host it? We are headquartered in Singapore but our clients could come from anywhere. For now, since we are putting some focus on generating regional business, we opted for hosting it on DigitalOcean in the Singapore region to better serve Southeast Asia and also to gain expertise in their platform as an added bonus.

To be continued …